What is ISO/IEC 17025:2017? The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) defines...
Sample Submission and FAQs
Request for Analysis Form
Tell us the tests you need and what information you want on your COA
Request for Analysis Form for Beverages
Tell us the tests you need, the weight of the beverage, and how many servings to show potency reported as mg per serving!
Chain of Title and Affirmation
Should always accompany mailed in samples showing your product is a legal substance.
Sample Sizes
Not sending in a full-sized finished product and not sure how much of a sample to send? We've got it all broken down for you!
Checklists and ebooks
16-Point Checklist to Find a Quality Hemp Lab
A checklist with questions and tips to see if the lab you use, or are looking at, provides the services you need.
Fraudulent COA
An ebook will help you recognize the signs of a tampered Certificate of Analysis