What is ISO/IEC 17025:2017? The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) defines ISO/IEC...

Testing is investing in your hemp product. Learn more below to find how best to optimize your testing.
What is ISO/IEC 17025:2017? The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) defines ISO/IEC...
Hemp absorbs more contaminants than most plants due to its composition. Some are fatal to humans. An...
Learning how to sample in a way that captures an accurate representation of your entire commodity is...
The hemp industry is held to strict regulations that vary by authority. All hemp businesses are enco...
This article will explain when and why retailers should test their hemp/CBD products. The best times...
This article will explain when and why producers should test their hemp throughout the growing, harv...
This article will explain when and why processors should test their hemp throughout the extraction o...
As we have been talking with customers the question we get the most is "I have x type product, what ...
COAs impact everyone in the hemp industry, from producers and testers to manufacturers and consumers...
Finding a quality lab can be difficult. This blog will help you understand one of the key items that...